"Città di Perugia" Trophy
Sunday 19 May 2019
Rugby City Pian di Massiano-Perugia
Hours 08.30 arrival of groups and presentation on the playing fields.
Hours 09.00 Start Races categories Under 6-8-10 -12 -14
Hours 13.30 End races and, to follow, third time at the Mc Donald's tent a few meters from the Rugby field
15.00 At the beginning of the final 1st and 2nd place of all categories with the Rugby field, following awards
The eliminatory phases (morning) will be disputed on the following works:
Under 6: Green path Area P2, P3, P5, P6 (groups A, B, C and D)
Under 8: Farm house Field C1, C2 (groups C and D) and Field Oak P1 (group B), bocciodic field P4 (group A)
Under 10: Baseball field B1, B2, B3, B4 (A, B, C and D)
Under 12: Rugby Field 1 and Rugby 2 R1, R2, R3, R4 (groups A, B, C and D)
Under 14: Saint Juliana S1 and Ellera E1 (groups A, B and C, D);
Final 1st and 2nd place and award: Rugby field
Organizing secretariat: C/O Club House Campo Rugby
Presentation of lists and documents: directly on the playing field of each category.
Gastronomic stands and various entertainments for all the companions in the following with kitchen and refreshment point on the square of the Rugby field.
The tournament will award, in addition to the titles for each category, the absolute Trophy, the Club best placed in the various categories, the traditional prize "Fabio Anti", the player who will be distinguished for bravery and rugby spirit, the trophy at fair play for Club Entitled to this year's ethical sponsor, the Ronald Foundation and the Rugby Social Club Trophy at the company that will have won the online contest on Instagram with its supporters.